
What is Logo? Trademark and logo is a characteristic feature of individuality and enterprise. Since the sign is at the core, it concentrates all the elements of corporate identity, the requirements for it particularly severe. Carl Jung will undoubtedly add to your understanding. On the successful realization of the logo, trademark performance depends largely on the total visual image. There are several features the logo of the most important are: 1.Logotip, a trademark gives to distinguish the business from each other. Logo also protects its owner from negligent competitors, as is the property of one company, and no one else can use it, not breaking this law. 2.Garantiya is no less important part.

This means that a certain quality of goods, marked by a logo, is guaranteed by the company. 3.Esteticheskaya function. Good visual representation increases logo value of the goods. This is particularly embodied in the life of consumer products. 4.Reklamnaya function is associated with an aesthetic tool brand. It forms the image of the company, information or psychological function, etc.

Here are the basic requirements for the logos, trademarks, which coincide with common functions of corporate identity. Today, wine companies can be divided into those who have their own visual identity, and those who have it everything is just at the design stage – lots of creative ideas in my head and a huge number of designs under consideration. The correct font is a font that's half of the case. We need to use a font that really wakes capture and communicate the characteristics of your company.

