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The lawyers Alexander Dobiasch & Rupert Richter inform accidents belong to the order of the day. No blame, one then it is important to know his rights and to be able to make demands. A lawyer knows this perfectly well. He helps to assert that a claims in its entirety. Alexander Dobiasch and Rupert Richter from Bergen auf Rugen lawyers explain which claims to among other things make.

The right to take a lawyer and to enforce his claims with him is demands on the opposing insurance after a blameless accident for the victims. The lawyer costs can be claimed from the opposing insurance. That of course also applies to costs of repair, to make again repaired the vehicle. A repair invoice exists for this purpose, the cost in full with the sales tax will be refunded. Will be billed according to opinion or a cost estimate, are only the net cost of repairs, without sales taxes paid.

The car of the victim is no longer operational, after the accident on the road then the cost of towing must be adopted by the insurance. There is also a claim on a rental car to be mobile during the duration of the repair. Damage to health caused by the accident, the costs incurred for doctor and hospital stays are to carry medicines and treatment costs from the opposing liability insurance. There is a loss of earnings, due to sickness insurance also must come up. Wants who safely and professionally to enforce his claims him, is perfectly consult with a lawyer.


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