Glass Breakage Insurance

Not everyone needs this insurance, but in some cases it is quite advisable. The glass breakage insurance is not necessarily belongs to the most common insurance. However, in some cases it is very advisable (as the owner of a large winter garden, a storefront, a valuable glass Cabinet or table etc.). “This however, you should bear in mind that only the glass breakage” is insured: one can imagine best the whole thing on the example of a breach of the Aquarium: If a 180 l-great basin to rupture, the complete water on the new carpet flows, the furniture will be partially damaged and is no longer to use the expensive stereo system (not to mention to mention if a floor it deeper dripping from the ceiling of the lessor…), the glass breakage insurance replaces only the damage to the Aquarium and not the so-called consequential damages. And what is the price of an aquarium in comparison to the costs associated with the renovation of a complete apartment? Another feature of the glass breakage insurance is, that in the event of damage only natural replacement is done: that is, that the injured party with the delivery and the installation of a new glass surface is compensated. The cost of the broken glass are not refundable, unless it is proved that a repair is not possible and / or is higher than the replacement value of the property; until then, the costs will be refunded actually.

Based on this description, you should reconsider carefully glass insurance. It is in fact not always useful and in most cases a good overseas ranges and or homeowners insurance entirely. You should seek in any case before the Council at an insurance professional before you spend money unnecessarily.


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