Conscience And Environment

Ambient and social questions had left of being delinquents to the business and had started to be essential, strategical. Credit: Michio Kaku-2011. The support concept exceeded the ambient question reaching social and the educational one. Responsibility in the use of the natural resources, in the consumption and the treatment with the society is part of the modern administration. The concern with the environment and the human being that lives in society is consequence of the stranger modernity that if observes, with the removal between the people and the peoples provoked by the ignorance and preconceptions of all the order. This concern will be able to be change dded into a factor of union of efforts for the improvement of the relations with the nature and between the human beings. Sustainable development, beyond social responsibility, intelligent and well-taken care of growth with the environment, would have to mean development, respect to the differences and fraternity human. No country can be considered developed when arvorar itself it the condition of manipulator of ideas and thoughts stop to overwhelm excessively. The same it happens with the people; the imposition is synonymous of imposture and swaggerer.

Intelligence estimates exposition instead of imposition. The ecological crisis that we witness is consequence of a serious crisis social human being and. The human being was come to grips obtains exactly, with its fellow creatures and the Land. The wars and the serious ambient problems are the consequences of these misunderstandings. The globalization is a chimera. The men are divided social, racial, religiously and geographically. In the small planet distant worlds had been created where explored and exploring they coexist in an apparent harmony. In saying of Polibus, it does not exist so terrible witness, nor so implacable plaintiff how much the conscience that deferred payment in the heart of each man. To this conscience, that can be known and be developed, the part of God who inhabits in each heart, is that each man will have to give to accounts one day, for what made and left to make; the only one, true

