Assertive Conduct
ASSERTIVENESS Fensterheim, considered that the human beings through their interpersonal relations wish to develop a dignity life and autorrealizacin, nevertheless the society teaches to us to act of incompatible way with these objectives, consequently people exist who not to recognize their own capacities, judge impossible the expression of some emotions like the wrath or the tenderness, desires of the others incline before and lock up theirs in their interior. In psychological terms she says herself that she has an inhibited personality, devoid on self-sufficiency, they live the life according to whims on others, do not know that are, what it feels, nor what want. Frequently these people do not accept their insecurity since they do not recognize it like an emotional problem.
There are other individuals that stop to advance is necessary to attack to the others.In contrast to them, are individuals that have developed an active personality, do not fear to their feelings, nor scares to them the privacy, acts with forces, knows that are and what they want, these people denominate themselves assertive, constantly affirm their personality to them. Within the study of the Salter assertiveness, she is considered like one of the pioneers in this area. Assertiveness like defines 1a a state of emotional freedom That would not have anything to do with the social participation the criteria are the honesty of the answer and his contenido”. This author essentially leans in the Pavlovinos concepts of excitation and inhibition although she modifies the excitation notion that it considers as expression of an effective emotion, that is to say, the balance between the excitation and inhibition facilitates to the person a free and honest expression to him of its emotions. In relation to the nonassertive conducts Albert and Emmons (1985) they have distinguished two types: situacional inasertiva Conduct appears typically in people with conducts adapted, but, that in specific situations feels anxious, it takes which them to inadequate answers.
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