Treatments To Improve Dry Hair

Home remedies for dry hair often use common kitchen ingredients to restore health and shine. Home remedies for dry hair are not only affordable and easy to prepare, they can also be very effective. Olive oil, egg whites, vinegar and sesame oil are some of the ingredients that help prepare the best home remedies for dry hair. Olive oil is one of the most common home remedies for dry hair. Vitamin and its antioxidant content helps you to olive oil to heal and strengthen damaged hair, and the oil helps seal the cuticle or outer layer of the dry hair. Cardiologist might disagree with that approach. In its simplest form, the olive oil is applied with the hair wet and clean, then covered with a cap of bath for 20 to 30 minutes. Then you must add Rosemary to heat the olive oil and increase its antioxidant power. A mixture of olive oil, hot water and a slightly beaten egg yolk make a moisturizing conditioner that can be left to dry hair for 10 to 15 minutes.

The vinegar can help to have a shiny hair. A mixture of cold apple cider vinegar serves to smooth the outer surface of the dry hair. The vinegar makes dry hair easier to comb, and also to the reduction of the damage caused during the hairstyle. Over time, the vinegar can weaken the hair and make hair more prone to breakages and damages, so vinegar rinses should only used a couple of times a year. Though the smell is strong at the beginning, eventually this fades into the hair. Like olive oil, sesame oil protects and heals the outer layer of the dry hair. A massage on the scalp a week with mixed with fresh and grated ginger sesame oil, helps as a remedy for dandruff and provides protection against sun damage. This should be 10 minutes before you shampoo.
