IVF Procedure

In this case, it is desirable that before the procedure she had a stimulating ovulation, and used for insemination high-quality sperm. Method 2: ivf following in vitro fertilization technique called ivf (in vitro fertilization). xb3hR’>Sumru Laurent Ramsey by clicking through. During this procedure, a woman's body is placed embryo is already finished, and the merger process male and female cells occurs in the laboratory. Artificial conception using ivf can be performed virtually all forms of female infertility: when damaged fallopian tubes, hormonal, immune and other violations. The process of in vitro fertilization takes from 14 to 15 days and consists of several stages. On the ground – with special medicines carry multiple stimulation of growth of germ cells in ovaries patient. The second – make a small operation under general anesthesia, during which a woman's ovaries from mature oocyte extract.

Both stages are controlled by ultrasound. Then doctors produce spermatozoa in men, this is usually through masturbation. To improve the quality of the semen, she "ennobled" as well as for artificial insemination. After that the sex cells of partners are placed in a so-called 'incubator' (Capacity with a nutrient solution a certain temperature) and wait until the eggs unite with sperm. This process takes approximately 1 to 5 days.

The resulting embryos are checked for defects and then transferred into the uterus, where they will develop further in the same way as in natural pregnancies. The fact that the uterus is several fertilized eggs increases the chance of getting pregnant, but on the other hand, increases the probability of multiple birth children. This happens in about 20-25% of cases of successful pregnancy with ivf. During in vitro fertilization woman appointed hormonal preparations, maintaining pregnancy. If all goes according to plan, then nine months later it becomes a happy mother. ivf is not carried out when there are contraindications to the nurturing of pregnancy: uterine malformations, uterine fibroids large, intractable treatment of cervical patency, the presence of hereditary diseases and acute infectious and inflammatory diseases or exacerbation of chronic. Method 3: With icsi complex forms of male infertility (low sperm count, reduced mobility, most of the sperm is defective, disrupting the processes of emission of semen) in vitro fertilization is performed using icsi (ICSI – intracytoplasmic sperm injection). In this case, do not wait until the male and female gametes merge, and special microneedle injected sperm directly into an egg. Such a procedure leads to fertilization Even if a man has only one viable sperm. Its release from sperm, and when this is not possible, conduct micro-and extract sperm directly from the testes. After icsi the resulting embryo is transplanted into the uterus.

