Financial Future

But at this time I am addressing to thousands and millions of young people who are studying whether in high school or college. We know the expensive that are studies. And many of you have maybe working as well as studying to pay for studies. In other cases you have to rely on of loans in order to obtain a university degree.

This makes when you finish your studies end up in debt. In addition it most likely that now that terminastes your studies you pass as many that will makes them difficult job. And even if you manage to work might be in something so for not estudiastes and with a pay much lower that you deserve.Maybe can be that you are wondering it if really was worth so much effort and money.Is the question that you have to do study, to be an employee or entrepreneur?. And no I don’t misunderstand I am saying that being employed is bad.But think what you’re doing is trading time for money. AND FINANCIAL freedom to give you an example, a Doctor, lawyer, accountant ect. you don’t have financial freedom because the day that won’t serve their clients do not earn money.But the owner of a franchise like Berger King, Toco Bell and other maybe you may have more financial freedom because they bought a franchise that already has employees trained by the company matris.But much is to acquire one of these franchises?Hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.So the financial freedom is your being able to earn money without your being present all the time. For example, if you are sick, there is no problem continues to your business, if you want to go on vacation there problem, or if one day want to dedicate more time to your family, there is no problem.But I want to clarify, this does not come overnight tomorrow the financial freedom as everything should be working it.
