Electronic Marketing

In accordance with that the evolution of Internet was inevitable, marketing was not either made hope to adopt new strategies in this world-wide platform. When and-marketing speech (Marketing in Internet or Electronic Marketing), several aspects meet that include from Diseo and Desarrollo de Pginas Web to systems of publicity online with information of pursuit and yield of their campaigns. One of the main objectives of and-marketing is to generate highly qualified traffic to a Web site to obtain a call to the action (to subscribe to a cc$bbs, to buy a product, to call to a specialist, among others). But without a doubt questions in the mind arise from many people who as soon as they are being introduced in the subject. What advantages offer Marketing to me in Internet? How I measure its investment? Which are the types of campaigns online to carry out a marketing strategy? At the moment and-marketing is an alternative more and more used by companies that with their strategies manage to arrive at an objective public and segmented, to promote its services or products.

One of the reasons by which they choose to use this mass media is by its multiple advantages that offer: To reduce advertising costs in relation to other means traditional as it presses, radio or audio-visual. To promote its mark constantly. To reach a great hearing to international level. To measure the statistics of data related to the type of campaign. Pursuit with total exactitude and in real time of the results of a campaign in all their extension. Greater flexibility as far as being able to realise modifications at any time to the campaigns to obtain better results with base to previous information. Nevertheless all these advantages provide different types from tools for the success of a campaign Online, some can be more effective than others following what it adjusts better to the needs of his company.

