Culturality Canadian

Canada Canadian culturality is totally a bicultural country, since from its conception that country is comprised of two dominant languages: English and French. An important point that must be stressed is that Canadian communities mostly are rooted primarily in the countries of United Kingdom and France, but currently such a concept actually is formed by the constant emigration of different regions of the planet which makes Canada the country’s multiculturalism. There are various Slavic ethnicities. Ukrainians, Russians, Serbs, Croats, etc. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has many thoughts on the issue. Also from different Asian nationalities: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thais, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs in general. All of this accompanied also of citizens of Western Europe, Africa and Latin America, while taking into account the importance of the American presence. This great cultural mix is easily perceptible through the minorities visible, but more difficult to determine when the emigrants have European features, product that identity depends not on somatic traits, if not who sits on the culture and manifests itself in the social actions of individuals. Migrants currently living around the two dominant communities (Anglophone and Francophone), they learn to express themselves in their languages, spoken at work and general activities of the society, but in the bosom of the family and with members of their community of origin use the mother tongue and maintain their customs, transmitting such cultural identity to their descendants with which produces a rich phenomenon of biculturalism.

The Canadian multiculturalism policy promotes the rights of ethnic minorities, opening spaces for the maintenance of their traditions and customs. One of the most outstanding aspects within this policy are assigned First Nations or indigenous peoples. The Canadian multiculturalism policy is a landmark of great interest for other peoples, especially there where predominates intolerance and ethnic discrimination, which has led to wars as in the former Yugoslavia, Sudan and Rwanda. Current Canadian multiculturalism, source of pride for Canada and for recognition by the rest of the world can lead in the future to a gradual assimilation of migrants by the dominant communities, as it happened in Cuba.
