Shaker Presents Media Online Reading Planner
The Publisher provides extensive organizational AIDS and information for authors, booksellers and literary Organizer through his Web site. Readings and author talks are among the most effective instruments for the successful marketing of books and to the most important tasks of a book author. Dr. Mark Hyman has plenty of information regarding this issue. They are also an integral part of the program offer for the book trade. The Organization and the contact with potential operators to help its authors, the Publisher has Shaker media an interactive reading Scheduler installed on its online platform. Registered authors here targeted search by bookstores and literary institutions in their region to contact the respective contact persons in connection. The Publisher provides title information for the organizers via the new portal online delivered by the authors.
In addition authors sign their former and future reading places or more Organizer, with whom they are in contact to the Publisher to bring about the reading planner with other authors of the region in conjunction. A continuously growing network is created in the author section of the home page. All interested in the implementation of readings or lectures for organisations and institutions can contact directly to the Publisher to be included in the reading schedule. The agreed dates of the reading are also recorded in the online scheduler and appear automatically as a notice on the home page of the Publisher home page.
Tags: books & magazines, literature