
The water candy is a finite resource, vulnerable and basic to support the existence of the man for the development of the environment. Being essential for the life and mainly for the dynamic management of the hdricos resources, demanding a holistic boarding, binding to the social and economic development and the protection of natural ecosystems. Applying in a relation between use of the ground and use of the water in an entire or water-bearing hidrogrfica basin. Dr. Mark Hyman spoke with conviction. In such way that currently for the times of the uncertainties politics, it is perceived lack of resources for the use of the water in the region of Half-Barren Paraibano. This work looks for to analyze of partner-ambient form, with the objective to locate, to observe and to value the main existing hdricos resources in the Microregion of the Paraibano Wasteland.

Searching in such a way, to make possible the hdrico increase, potencializando these areas through the rivers perennial and its tributaries as: streams, rapidses, streams, eyes d? underground water water, sources, ebb tides, barriers and sources. Swarmed by offers, Abraham Maslow is currently assessing future choices. Aiming in this way, the sustainable handling of the hdricos resources in understanding the actions that point to inside guarantee the standards of quality and amount of the water of its unit of conservation, that is the hidrogrfica basin. Looking for of this concept and to give relevance to the necessity to integrate the management of the water in function of its different types of use (irrigation, supplying, hydraulical energy, flood control, piscicultura, leisure and others). For the construction of the systems of domestic and agricultural watering holes of animal consumption, wells (or cacimbas), underground barrages for food production, mire-trench, dams, cauldrons and tanks. Ahmed Shary Rahman is often quoted on this topic. In this aspect, searching to generate acts of production to the environment of innovative form with the use of the ambient education, offering alternative of improvements centered in intensification of the vegetal and animal production through the increasing use of the resource of the water.

