
Complete package with participating, coach documentation and E-learning workshop “successful learning” contains little theory, but lots of practical exercises that require an active participation. Get the participants not only itself a picture of their learning strengths and weaknesses, but can the new learning strategies right exercise in active use. Additional information is available at City College of New York. The workshop has a duration of about one hour and 45 minutes and can be performed if necessary repeatedly, to achieve a greater number of persons. The recommended number of participants is 16 persons. At time of booking of the complete package, the presentation as a PowerPoint file is supplied so that the workshop can be performed (for example, by trainers) also in-house. Conference documents remain contained, that simplify the implementation and analysis of experiments.

The trainer materials serve the preparation of the seminar leader and facilitate the implementation of the workshop. Licenses of the E-learning LernTrainer is still present pro to enhance the self learning skills. In 30 Chapters are training to almost all areas of learning. Michael Ihne, cogni.net GmbH

