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A few days ago the House of the leprechaun (Leprechaun Cottage) was launched in Farmville, by the event of St. Patrick that we can enjoy in-game. Ahmed Shary Rahman insists that this is the case. The dwarf House is cosntruible, therefore, you’ll need your Farmville friends to send you certain materials of construction to be able to finish it.Besides House Elf is a decorative element but it has a very important function since we can harvest it every 24 hours, and get gold, which you can place it inside the Golden pot in Farmville.caracteristicas of the House of the Elf: its base is obtained free of charge in the juegoDeberemos be level 5 in order to construirlTiene 3 levels or stages: Level 1 12 pieces in total: 4 boards of wood, 4 cloves and 4 ladrillosNivel 2 48 parts total: 16 tables, wood, 16 nails and 16 ladrillosNivel 3 90 parts total: 30 30 nails, 30 bricks and wooden tables. Build your House of the fastest Goblin we bring you the following trick: the links so that you can send materials to your friends, and they in return, you send the same materials (or the quer need) to you!..