Austrian Federal Railways

The celum GmbH, supplier and manufacturer of solutions for the enterprise digital asset management, looks back on a successful financial year once again. Linz. In 2009, the company experienced a sales increase of 30 percent compared to 2008. Also 60 new customers won celum in the last year, almost a quarter come from the United States and Asia. Compared to the previous year, the owner-managed celum GmbH increased its sales by 30 percent. This result, that our customers trust us and our products make a real contribution to the efficiency enhancement and cost reduction shows especially in difficult economic times”, as Michael J.

Kraftner, CEO of celum GmbH. The growth of the Linz software company continued last year also in human resources development. 42 employees working at the headquarters in Linz and at offices in Vienna and food, Germany. Celum will globally expand in the future. Subsidiaries in France and the United States are planned for the coming months.

Numerous national and international new customers new customers include many well-known companies and Institutions from home and abroad, such as for example the Japanese DAIICHI SANKYO group, the Swiss Helvetia Insurance, the French company of Lanvin, the Max Planck Institute, the Russian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the German practitioner markets, the Swedish SCA group, the Austrian company sport Eybl, the German STO AG, Wiener Styria multi media, Toyota Motor Europe from Brussels, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the University of Cologne and University of Greifswald, the US Department of energy and the Victorinox AG of Switzerland. More than 370 clients in 27 countries currently use the celum enterprise digital asset management product family. The only in new product presented October celum DYNAMO that agile platform for Web-to-print and brand management, for its flexibility and praised fast implementation.

The Austrian Federal Railways oBB as one of the first customers expected annual savings in the marketing of several 100,000 by using celum DYNAMO. For 2010, Michael Kraftner gives optimistic Outlook: this year we are also continually invest in the further development of our product portfolio and expanding our international network of partners. A strategic focus on the continuation of our proactive strategy of integration with Microsoft SharePoint, which is already unrivaled in the J2EE enterprise DAM market.” Celum celum delivers a technology to automate marketing and sales processes in communication with his celum enterprise digital asset management product family. The company was founded in 1999 and currently employs 42 employees at its headquarters in Linz and at offices in Vienna and food.


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